18 Does Education Impact Discipleship?
A question tossed into cyberspace becomes a meaningful
conversation on Christian education
21 Teachers & the Politics of Education
Union dues backing political groups prompts teacher's resignation
22 The Next Steps of Renewanation
Renewanation takes the next step to expand, sustain, and grow
the movement of Christian worldview education
24 The Child We Are Impacting
The student who develops a Christian worldview through
Renewanation's impact
25 The Seven Pillars of Renewanation
Helping people, parents, churches, businesses, and legislators
see the great value of Christian education
36 Is Public School an Option?
The ideological transformation of public schools
40 Why Schools Need to Offer Flexible
Online Learning Programs
Provides Christian school and homeschool students the opportunity
to get ahead academically
26 And the Survey Says...
What do people really want when it comes to educating their kids -
A survey by Barna Research Group
30 Raising Children Who Become Spiritual
Lessons from the biblical Samuel on how to raise your children to
become Spiritual Champions
34 Is Your Child’s Textbook Christian or
Examining textbooks used in Christian schools
42 Why Choose a Christian College?
College years should be a time where faith should be tested and
refined NOT torched and denied
47 Legislation Brings Big Changes In Ohio’s
Education Spending
States across the country are becoming increasingly supportive
of school choice legislation