The RenewaNation Review 2014 Volume 6 Issue 1 | Page 24

the child we are IMPACTING We reach the child who is forming concepts of truth (or reality) based primarily on the influence of friends, media, and school regardless of their parents’ Christian faith or lack thereof. A student who develops a Christian worldview as a result of Renewanation's impact will be: • a committed follower of Jesus Christ with a strong biblical view of truth (or reality) • a responsible and patriotic citizen who understands and appreciates America’s Christian heritage and works to strengthen that influence on government and every sphere of culture • a person with values, principles and character, able to add real-life value to those around them as someone who is educated, thoughtful, articulate, honest, productive, and service-oriented • able to confidently and lovingly share, give reason for, and grow in his or her faith • able to continue their education and/or become a productive citizen improving society through their life and work find out more 24