A Broken Relationship
By Pastor Troy Keaton
Therefore what God has joined together,
As a pastor
I often have the
opportunity to sit and discuss marriage issues with couples.
Many times I sit with two wonderful and talented people
with a long history who have duplicated themselves in a
couple of children. Despite having much in common and
many reasons to stay together, too often the challenges they
are facing lead them to consider divorce. Many times those
who have the greatest reason to stay in relationship, do not.
I have also been perplexed at another “marriage made in
heaven” that is not working out very well - the local church
and the local Christian school. They have a long history
together. Throughout the course of church history, it was the
local church supporting parents who would provide Christ-
centered education for their children. About 40 years ago a
boom in Christian education took place as local churches
began to start Christian schools. The fruit of this effort has
been very significant as millions of students were given a
biblical worldview through these schools.
However, today it seems that the local church is not nearly
as interested in being a part of week-day Christian education.
Although we have our weekly bible story/snack-time which
lasts for an hour or so, in many cases the church has sought
for and been granted a divorce from week-day discipleship
of children.