A person’s worldview answers the major
questions of life such as:
Who am I?
What is my purpose in life?
What is wrong in the world?
What is the solution?
There are four main components of world-
view that we teach our parents to instill in
their children:
Creation :
A sovereign God created the world and everything
in it, including people who are made in His image,
for His own glory.
Fall :
Humanity turned away from God becoming totally
depraved, choosing to live for themselves rather
than for His glory, and as a result came under the
curse of sin.
is powerful
It is never
morally or
Redemption :
Through the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus,
God provided a way to save His people from sin.
Re-creation :
Jesus reigns as King over all and is preeminent over
His everlasting kingdom where we will join Him
and where He will make everything new.
This is “big picture” training and provides the framework
for one’s belief system. These four components are a good
start, but not an end. Meat must be added to these bones
in the form of weekly biblical teaching. Paul tells young
Timothy, “Continue in what you have learned … and how
from childhood you have been acquainted with the Scriptures”
(2 Tim. 3:14-15). Our children must be well-trained and
well-acquainted with the Scriptures so that they can be wise
unto salvation in Jesus. We use the Gospel Story Curriculum
by Marty Machowski to teach our children the big picture of
the Bible centered on Jesus Christ, we teach through entire
books of the Bible on Wednesday night, and we have a special
class called Foundations that teaches basic doctrine to 2nd,
5-6th, 9th, and 12th grade students. A couple of times a year
we have a one hour parent seminar on training your child
to have a biblical worldview using Answers in Genesis 7 C’s.
It should come as no surprise that many young people
are ill equipped to defend their faith when confronted with
waves of unbiblical teaching. Their grasp of doctrine lags far
behind what they know of technology and sports, and only
a minority whose parents have been diligently training them
make up the difference. Sadly, many have not learned what
we thought we taught them. From their viewpoint, Jesus is
as relevant as wallpaper paste. Many Christian churches and
schools have failed to teach young people the basics of the
Christian faith, and those who teach a contrary worldview
have filled the vacuum. If we want to raise up a generation of
gospel believing and biblically literate people, then we must
get serious about providing in-depth worldview training
taught from Scripture for young people and their parents.