The Renaissance April, 1400 | Page 6

S.J. Organization is Across the Nation!

They met on and off for 18 years until they came up with a solution. They would revert back to their traditional catholic teachings and oppose Protestant beliefs. The Catholic beliefs are that faith and good work can bring you to salvation. The Roman Catholic Church became unified and stronger than ever under the pope’s supreme leadership. The Catholics are always ready to battle for what they believe in and will continue to flourish.

by Emily Nagata

Ignatius of Loyola, along with six other men (including Francis Xavier and Peter Faber), is a successful man that vowed his poverty, chastity, and obedience to the Church and its Pope. By this he created the Society of Jesus. This happened when Ignatius of Loyola was enlightened with a religious experience after he was wounded in a battle. He and his people, the Jesuits, helped to reform the papacy and spread their religion back to the places it died out. The Jesuits have to vow absolute obedience to the Pope, which makes them important to the papal.

Missionaries that were sent to spread the message were very successful in restoring Catholicism as they restored the religion from parts of Germany to Eastern Europe to other parts of the world. They used education to spread the message around. Since they needed education to spread it, they founded colleges, universities, and seminars to make it easier and widespread. They did many good deeds too, such as giving retreats and taking care of hospitals and the people in them. Although a few military and political issues corrupted the government it only took a few, maybe zero, pushes from the Protestant Reformation to make the Catholic Church think even more seriously about reforming.

Pope Paul III made a Reform Commission to see what the church was doing bad in and the received commissions put the blame on the pope’s corrupt policies. Because of this, the pope made the “Council of Trent”. The Council of Trent is a group of cardinals, archbishops, bishops, abbots, and theologians that were put together to decide a solution to all of this.