The Renaissance April, 1400 | Page 15

by Hattie Hapai

For Your Entertainment

Now listen up, readers, because the following information is important if you actually want to keep reading these glossy books full of gossip and whatever else we choose to write. Mass producing (or even printing) this magazine requires lots of paper, ink, and a large group of people to put their time and effort into. Johannes Gutenberg, a German blacksmith, printer, and publisher introduced the amazing product known as the printing press. Before this press, all of the magazines had to be copied by hand and that was a real pain in the butt, so praise Gutenberg, ok? Additionally, remember that books and magazines were really expensive because of how much effort, time, and money was put into mass producing them, but now you get them for cheaper because we have this magic invention called a press.

Anyway, the point of this page is to remind you to always show respect towards the people involved with writing the articles, creating the ads, and even the people who put together the magazine because they could have other jobs they could be doing but instead they're doing this. (Hoorah for them, really.) Frankly, it's quite rude, ok? There’s been a problem with a lack of respect being shown towards the people working alongside me and that’s nowhere near acceptable. I can understand that, yes, writing isn’t necessarily the most taxing job a person could pursue, but it’s not our faults that you’re picking jobs you only want to complain about!

This magazine was created with the intention of providing a mode of entertainment to relax with after a long day of work or during a break. Therefore, we would like to continue bringing you magazines. In order for this to happen, we all need to reach an agreement. Respect everybody else and their jobs because everyone is important to this society, all right?