The Red Tea Detox - Huge New Weight Loss Offer For 2019! The Red Tea Detox 2019 | Page 17

 Headaches  Eczema  Muscle and/or joint pain  Asthma  Allergies  Fibromyalgia  Lower back pain  Osteoarthritis  Fatty liver disease  Gallstones  Carpal tunnel syndrome  Chronic fatigue  Premature aging  Digestive issues like diarrhea, bloating, and constipation  PMS  Food allergies  Skin conditions such as acne How is this possible? Long story short, toxins affect the way cells function and over time, they can change cell structure as well. Consider cancer, which is often associated with toxins that the sufferer has come into contact with, and you can see the connection. We’ve been conditioned to accept toxins in various forms, and to believe that they’re a necessary part of modern life. Living with toxic buildup has been normalized despite the fact that people are fatter and sicker than ever before. Even though people in western nations are living longer, we’re also subject to chronic illnesses that were once rare. 17