we have a child of 10 years old who is still studying in primary school , but the question is : Have you ever thought that this child might be the reason to stop your bleeding ? Have you ever thought that this child might be your lifesaver while you ' re choking because of a food bolus that entered your respiratory tract ? Have you ever thought that this child may give you a second chance to live if you ' re caught in electricity ? This is what is " Kids ' Medical Club " project made for . Kids ' Medical Club is the most beloved project in SCOME — Standing Committee om Medical Education — and BSSS as well . It targets the children in schools trying to get them oriented by the topics related to First Aid measures and Public Health issues in a way that is very simple to suit their IQ level . Relying on the fact that when we were young , we loved learning practically more than theoretically , we came up with an idea to initiate this project in the term 2015-2014 and after one year it reached a very high extent of success and its real impact qualified it to become an IFMSA-Egypt representative in the
Project Presentation Competition among all the countries in the March Meeting of IFMSA in Malta 2015 and it deserved to win the 2nd place in this competition . These children are provided with sessions conducted by medical students who are well-trained to deal with kids and well-oriented by the presented topics . Kids ' Medical Club always attracts all BSSS members and even non-members admire it too . It ' s been a new method to produce individuals to the society who know how to protect themselves and the others in emergency cases .
in a pinky way …
It is an idea that has come out of the great , passionate , and always firing SCORAngels as a new creative way for supporting our dear breast cancer fighters . The idea is about choosing a day on October — which is the international month for the breast cancer — and trying to paint everything in our faculty in pink which is the color representing breast cancer awareness .
On that day , we have tried to be pinky angels spreading awareness all over the faculty . We have used pink balloons , ribbons , and paintings . In addition , we have taught the students how to make the monthly examination for themselves , we have managed to reach a lot of students . Also , some doctors decided to share us our event by wearing pink and taking part in our campaign . It wasn ' t only about our faculty but we have made an online event in order to reach the fighters all over the world and it was great to have posts on our event from the cancer fighters themselves in addition to supporting posts from people all over Egypt and some celebrities share us their supporting emotions . Certainly , It is great to feel supporting somebody in their own fight through this life .
Blood ,
the gift of life that runs through our veins . Most of the people do not recognize the value of their blood and do not know that some lives are bound by a small amount of it . As we , in SCORP , believe in the importance of blood donation , we ’ ve made an event especially for the Blood Donation . The Blood Donation Campaign is one of the greatest humanitarian activities in SCORP that aims not only to collect blood bags to fulfill the hospitals ' needs but also to spread awareness about the importance of blood donation and embed the donation culture in the
MISCELLANEOUS society . Each campaign has several phases that begin with an online campaign aiming to spread awareness about blood donation and all sorts of information about the donation , the requirements need in a donor , its importance , and the blood transfusiontransmitted diseases . Afterward , comes the physical campaign in which we aim to collect blood bags from donor to provide the needing hospitals with . This year in just the first semester we ’ ve collected 90 blood bags in Benha Faculty of medicine and 83 in Benha Faculty of Computing and Information in cooperation with
University ’ s Hospital Blood Bank and the Central Blood Bank of Asneet , and in the last year they were 100 bags in 3 different faculties in Benha University ; Education , Engineering , and Law . In the year before , we ’ ve reached over 180 bags in 3 different Faculties in Benha University ; Medicine , Science , and Engineering . The physical campaigns are not limited to collecting blood bags only but also we have , in each campaign , awareness individuals to spread the awareness to ensure that it reach as many people as possible .