THE RECAP TheRecapIssue#5 | Page 44

You might already know the fact that the male seahorse is the one who carries the babies not the female , but did you know they are very caring as well . When a male seahorse is pregnant the female tends to show care and respect by holding his tail for support , bringing him food daily and even changing her colors to match his to show love . Seahorses also have a morning ritual they perform every day , the couple has a certain dance they dance together in the morning that includes twirling , shifting colors and head nudging just to strengthen

SEAHORSES their bond every morning before they leave each other to swim for a while . And despite how cute and very harmless the seahorses are , humans have made sure they become endangered in a very short time . In traditional Chinese medicine , dried seahorses are used to cure ailments ( an ailment is a minor illness , like a minor stomach disease causing pain ), and as random as the word ailment , so is the myth that dried seahorses would cure your minor pain . Scientists have proved that this assumption is not based on any medical basis and it ' s more of a placebo for easy money .


As the name states , lovebirds are the perfect addition to our list , you might have heard the sarcastic comment " you two lovebirds " and there is a whole story behind it . Lovebirds are part of the parrots family , and the reason behind their name is that they are part of the monogamous tiny population of wildlife , they choose their partners and live with them for 15-10 years which is their whole lifespan . They sit still next to their partners doing absolutely nothing , and sometimes they even sing songs together .


Lovebirds are usually given as wedding gifts for newly-weds , to symbolize commitment , but before you offer that gift , make sure that the people you are gifting with the parrots aren ’ t asthma patients . Lovebirds ' feathers can trigger the asthma symptoms so easily , which is something people ignore because when we talk about asthma usually your mind would go to dogs and cats , while in fact , it ' s more common when it comes to flying feathers even those of birds in love .

The list just continues when it comes to the hidden cuteness of mother nature ; from black vultures that would tear you apart if you come near their partner , to little puppies letting female dogs always win in their playful fights . So you ' d do much better learning from wildlife rather than the cheesy romantic chick flicks .