The sea otter is a marine animal, but it also belongs to
the weasel family. They are present mostly around the
coasts of the North Pacific Ocean. The sea otter is not
only known for its fluffy fur coat, which is the densest
fur coat in the animal kingdom but also for its cute
devotion to its partner. Sea otters are monogamous,
which means they are among the few animals that stick
to just one partner till death do them apart, they are also
very protective so they tend to hold hands during their
sleep to make sure they don't drift apart in the water.
While sea otters might not have a syndrome named
after them but they are very symbolic when it
comes to historical tales. In ancient North America
they believed that the otter was a creature to learn
from, especially the females. An otter represented
a carefree, playful and yet a responsible creature
that was supposed to teach humans how to deal
with life as a joyful experience, not just as a burden.
And a proof for their playful nature is that they tend
to collect rocks, they even have a natural pocket
in their fur where they keep their favorite ones.
And you know love isn't just for your partner, polar
bears have much love for their pals as well. Usually, a
polar bear prefers to walk, hunt, sleep, live and travel
alone, but when they happen to meet a fellow polar
bear they admire, they instantly become best friends.
They would hunt together, play together and even
be ready to sacrifice their lives for their buddy. Polar
bears are also really polite with each other, they have
a nose-to-nose gesture when they want a favor, like
asking for food from their friends for example, and if
the gesture was nice enough they get it for sure. And
despite the fact that they are sharing very fatty and
oily foods, polar bears surprisingly don't suffer from
any heart disease, though they live on a diet that
would cause disasters for humans in no time, but
polar bears are as fit and as healthy as much as a bear
could ever be. Scientists figured out that polar bears
have mutated genes related to fat metabolism, which
protects their blood vessels, this is a major research
right now in the medical field which aims to use gene
therapy in the future to help make humans resistant
to obesity and coronary disease just like bears.
You might already know the fact that the male seahorse
is the one who carries the babies not the female, but
did you know they are very caring as well. When a male
seahorse is pregnant the female tends to show care
and respect by holding his tail for support, bringing him
food daily and even changing her colors to match his to
show love. Seahorses also have a morning ritual they
perform every day, the couple has a certain dance they
dance together in the morning that includes twirling,
shifting colors and head nudging just to strengthen
As the name states, lovebirds are the perfect
addition to our list, you might have heard the
sarcastic comment "you two lovebirds" and there
is a whole story behind it. Lovebirds are part of
the parrots family, and the reason behind their
name is that they are part of the monogamous
tiny population of wildlife, they choose their
partners and live with them for 15-10 years
which is their whole lifespan. They sit still next
to their partners doing absolutely nothing,
and sometimes they even sing songs together.
their bond every morning before they leave each other
to swim for a while. And despite how cute and very
harmless the seahorses are, humans have made
sure they become endangered in a very short time.
In traditional Chinese medicine, dried seahorses are
used to cure ailments (an ailment is a minor illness,
like a minor stomach disease causing pain), and as
random as the word ailment, so is the myth that dried
seahorses would cure your minor pain. Scientists
have proved that this assumption is not based on any
medical basis and it's more of a placebo for easy money.
Lovebirds are usually given as wedding gifts
for newly-weds, to symbolize commitment,
but before you offer that gift, make sure that
the people you are gifting with the parrots
aren’t asthma patients. Lovebirds' feathers
can trigger the asthma symptoms so easily,
which is something people ignore because
when we talk about asthma usually your
mind would go to dogs and cats, while in
fact, it's more common when it comes to
flying feathers even those of birds in love.
The list just continues when it
comes to the hidden cuteness
of mother nature; from black
vultures that would tear you
apart if you come near their
partner, to little puppies
letting female dogs always
win in their playful fights. So
you'd do much better learning
from wildlife rather than the
cheesy romantic chick flicks.