Myth VS
Draw an atom model in which the nucleus is at the
center and multiple levels of energy are present
around it "Bohr model"?
Mariam Abdallah
Drinking alcohol warms
you up.
Our tongue is divided into areas according to taste receptors:
"sweet" taste buds are on the tip of the tongue; the "salt"
taste buds are on both sides of the front of the tongue;
"sour" taste buds are behind them; and "bitter" taste buds
are on the back. Put some salt on the tip of your tongue and you will realize
that this mapping is wrong. It was proven by scientists that
all areas of the tongue can sense all types of tastes: sour,
salt, sweet, and bitter, in addition to the presence of Umami
receptors which are special taste receptors for glutamate.
Drinking alcohol gives
you a false sensation
of being warm by
causing vasodilation of
the cutaneous blood
vessels. It has no effect
on the body temperature
as it only redistributes
the heat of your body.
Reading in dim light ruins
your eyesight.
After spending a night
under your blanket, enjoying
reading your favorite book,
it's completely normal for
your eyes to be strained with
temporarily decreased acuity.
Those symptoms subside
after rest which clearly proves
that your eyesight isn't ruined.
Pluto has returned to the solar system.
Humans use only 10 percent of their brains.
Pluto never left the solar system in order to come back.
The whole matter is that after scientifically defining the
word "planet", it became clear that Pluto doesn't satisfy
all the criteria so it's now considered a dwarf planet.
Brain imaging and scanning showed that almost %100
of our brains are active (but surely not at the same time),
and even areas that don't initiate signals they conduct
Bats are blind, they use echolocation to detect their directions.
Pick up your eraser and remove these levels, some
shadows around the nucleus will be sufficient. Scientists
knew since about a century that sites of electrons around
the nucleus aren't restricted to the energy levels; they
can be present anywhere around the nucleus in the form
of "Electron Cloud".
Your heart stop during sneezing
Actually, we cannot say "blind as a bat" anymore, because all types of
bats can see. There are some bats that can even see three times better
than humans. Most of the bat species use echolocation by their eyes to be
able to hunt at night, but other types aren’t capable of echolocation —they
completely depend on their eyes. Instead of giving great attention to such a myth, you should
use a handkerchief and wash your hands because your heart
indeed won't stop after it. Sneezing is mediated by a reflex
through the brain stem and the heart isn't involved in that