With the secession of the seven Southern states, splitting into the union and confederacy, South Carolina's first act of aggression was demanding the US Army to abandon their position in the Charleston Harbor. Major Robert Anderson, moves his small command to Sumter, a more substantial arsenal that is used to house as a storage unit in order to resupply men at other battles. P.G. T. Beauregard, the general officer of our Confederate States Army, ships he was in command of opened fire on the fort and began to deteriorate the Andersons supplies of men, food, and arms. Abraham Lincoln, who was just recently inaugurated, instituted his first decree by trying to avoid starting the war by only sending an unarmed merchant ship called the Star of the West to provide aid to the men trapped in the fort. South Carolina sees the ship and labels it as an of of aggression. The Union started the war. Thirty Four hours of outgunned, outmanned, and undersupplied Union army surrendered and evacuated the fort. Although we won, the consequences for the Union win boosted the want to fight and Lincoln's call for volunteers was responded with thousands of men showing up to fight, so much so he had to turn away the unneeded ones.
April 12-14,1861