The reality of human evolution THE REALITY OF HUMAN EVOLUTION new | Page 64

ended because their species are not at this glob currently . Let me give one example , the animals called dinosaurs have disappeared for them the world have already ended . The end of the world means in the significant of evolution , the theory of natural selection can give us understanding here on the end of the world . The world is changing every day and living things may adapt on environmental changes , when fail to adapt on changes , it totally disappear . Here there no much comment as evidences are many in different theories . Scientists and philosophers have discussed a lot on the end of the world and brought misunderstanding depending on beliefs , biblically Jesus will come to end the world and it is not possible for the world to end . Thus ending of the world means something important here . A human being gets changes every day . We may think on the cause . Let explain an event here , a human being is meeting challenges to day due to environmental changes , which will make them to disappear and extinct . Once a disease occurs immune system can produce resistance to invading germ or its toxins to cause pathology of invaded organ , when it fails , artificial immunity may be created , when both fail a patient will wait dying . It is the same to disappearance and