The reality of human evolution THE REALITY OF HUMAN EVOLUTION new | Page 58

change many things in human nature . Population ratio increased recently , the new generation is setting all strategies that can be used to reduce overpopulation and this cannot only lead to low demographic ratio , it can even lead to human extinction even if it can take years but it can happen . We stop birth rate but we will never stop death rate . Disasters are increasing and different people are meeting problems of reproductive health . Diseases are becoming a problem of public health , with industrial world ; non communicable diseases are becoming burdens in this era . All this problems are facing human , they can lead to human extinction . Nothing can stop the results of evolution , the way that things come ; it is the same they go . Evolution itself is a proof that can explain all evidences of human extinction .
7.5 Summary Death and extinction of livings are not new words to people . They happen are will continue happening . Death is a fact of life and extinction is a fact of evolution . Extinction is the death of last member of certain species . Death is observed daily but extinction can take millions of years . There are many factors that lead to extinction , reproduction is a key that help a species to exists for many years , if a living loses its capacity of reproducing