The reality of human evolution THE REALITY OF HUMAN EVOLUTION new | Page 30

world and the life in it, the answer is no. Evolution cannot say exactly why common descent chose the paths that it did. Most religions, on the other hand, are based on revelations, that usually cannot be objectively verified. They talk about the why, not the how. Also, religious beliefs are not subject to change as easily as scientific beliefs. Finally, a religion normally claims an exact accuracy, something which scientists know they may never achieve. It is humorous in mathematics and physics we prove and demonstrate the truth of response, you cannot denied without a new idea with demonstrations, this shows that what Religious belief are not verifiable and they will never be. Religious deny evolution but is beliefs colonization because science proved the reality of evolution and our lives based in science. It is understandable, evolution is true, and religious deny evolution based on their beliefs but belief cannot disapprove the truths of something. We better know that medicines treat diseases, and also can destroy our body, but this cannot support any one to deny the capacity of medicines to treat diseases. We cannot reject either evolution or religion, they are all important. Evolution explain well the origin of life use proof of science, religion is also a part of culture. What is 27