The reality of human evolution THE REALITY OF HUMAN EVOLUTION new | Página 9
1.1. Introduction
Creation is the act of producing or causing to exist.
Believers always think about their creator who is GOD.
Million and thousand years passed some us died and
others born. You cannot imagine your father let you die
voluntarily. Thinking about creation is the beginning of
epistemology in individual’s mind. You can ask yourself
where you came from or where you will be after your
physical existence. This dilemma is the beginning of
research. Some definitions can explain what creation is.
Creation is the limit of an individual’s knowledge and
capacity. Human weakness created new philosophy of
origi n of humanity. Human being is limited in time and
space, from here, conclusion due to human limit is that
there is someone or something coordinating this
movement, it is where we say God. Creation has been
seen in the bible and bible is evolution of science and
philosophy. The reality of human creation is justified by
human weakness and change that happened and that are
happening in human species, there no justified evidences
of creation, creation is the concept of evolutionism
research philosophy.