The reality of human evolution THE REALITY OF HUMAN EVOLUTION new | Page 56
7.2. Extinction and evolution
Extinction is important element to consider in evolution,
extinction is a state in which something no longer exists.
Charles Darwin discussed on extinction in his theories
of natural selection. Each living has to fight against
environment for its existence; extinction is due different
factors, such us genetic mutation, ecological changes,
etc. human brain is developing for its resistance but also
causing changes on the planet, where changes are
affecting livings and humans themselves. We say that
there is extinction of species when you cannot see its
member in the world. In taking a study on fossils
records, we discover of evolution situation and
extinction of species, in our life, we cannot say that
extinction is good, but it help us to why it existed to
various species, then if something to do to protect
others, we do and if nothing to do with our capacity, we
let things happen. Extinction takes millions of years, no
species can extinct in one year, it takes long time period
as before extinction, they try to resist.