The reality of human evolution THE REALITY OF HUMAN EVOLUTION new | Page 48
Humanistic show all needs and responsibility of a
human being. Evolutionary is explaining ontology of
human being evolution, once we read empirical
perspectives we discover the origin of life and how it
continues to change through engagement of human
being that are participating in ecological changes in
these changes. , and also determination of the future of
human being can be seen by analyzing cosmos
(universe). By then, systemic show something important
that we cannot forget, the existing human continue
fighting with natural phenomena that and read to some
needs to survive, this is the process of humanistic. By
the beginning of life human being evolutes from other
livings but also continue changing as discussed in
previous chapter, this explains ontology of what are
existing still now.
5.5 Summary
Every one found him/herself on this planet randomly.
We always get changes that we have never thought, they
reach us accidently. Existing events confirms human
evolution. all changes that come to the planet we live in,
affect directly human population, they cause changes to
human population, originality of human population has
changed and still changing. The effort of resisting to