The reality of human evolution THE REALITY OF HUMAN EVOLUTION new | Page 44
destruction crops decreased, this decreasing lead us to
idea of developing industrial food, this industrial food
development also brought consequences in human life.
Among these consequences includes non communicable
diseases. Prevalence of non communicable diseases is
increasing and prime factor is nutritional status. In
recent years people used walking long distance and
resist for fatigue, but nowadays we cannot do it, this
evidence also show that a human being has changed. All
of changes that we are facing are based on
environmental conditions and environment is still
instructing a human being, and can lead to extinction of
a human being. Industrial development is destroying
environment and cause different changes to us. Nuclear
experiences produce radiations that are harmful to
disappeared recently and others are still disappearing.
The theories of natural selection explain that once you
fail resisting to environmental condition, you disappear.
Changes are still occurring and we can wonder on what
these changes will bring, the life is becoming difficulty
and human being strives from surviving, they try to
develop resistance to environment, and this resistance
affects natural immunity of a human being. Examples