The reality of human evolution THE REALITY OF HUMAN EVOLUTION new | Page 31
necessary is to distinguish things, evolution and religion
are different we do no need to confuse people. Based on
first chapters of this book, evolution is guide of life;
nothing can go through without it. Religion is among
elements of Cultural Revolution, nothing new culture
can change and people understands also change with
3.3 Can religion change anything to evolution?
No! Religion cannot change evolution. Religion is a part
of evolution in culture. Christians always deny evolution
saying that evolution is for those who believe in science,
but evolution belongs to anyone, because evolution does
not depend on people, but people depend on it. Religion
is spiritual understanding and is based on mental
feelings. Someone can believe that God is ready to give
us everything we need, you can think far, if God give us
everything, why poverty and sufferings? Why do people
die? Evolution only can respond this question but in
religion, the response is abstract. Whatever you believe,
you will die, if you believe that God protects people
against death, why do people die? Even those who
believe in God’s protection die like non believers. This
explains well that religion cannot change evolution.