The reality of human evolution THE REALITY OF HUMAN EVOLUTION new | Page 18

nine month and the canal where a newborn pass is the same like that of human , obstetrical complication seems the same , this cannot happen randomly , they came from common ancestors . Cow is an example taken randomly , you can state different examples for other animals , Human biologically classified in vertebrate animals , because he has vertebral column , it clear he share with his brothers somebody parties from their grandparents no doubt as biologists confirm them as physically appear to everyone . Livings may come from the same ancestors but by their natural selection make them different to their brothers . All livings things come from the same origin and each has an effect to another . Actually , the big issue is not the capacity of each living , what we look at is their body structure , and we can ask ourselves . All vertebrate limbs are homologous , and these justify their origin . It shows that they came from the same body parts of in common ancestors . That is why you find many different living have commonalities . Taking example of chimpanzee and a human , comparing their body structure , you find some of them are the same , they can be different but composed by the same bones , yourself what do you think on this structure ? It is the real true to the reality of human evolution . A human being is not