THE REALITIES ABOUT POULTRY The Modern Farm - The Realities About Poultry_Seco | Page 91

Major Routes for Disease and Pathogen Transmission in Poultry
Transfer of birds from one area to another ( For instance , transfer of poultry from one farm to another ). Dead bird disposal . Dead birds present a risk to the rest of the flock , due to increase of disease agents load at the farm .
Ω Wild birds . Wild birds are likely to be attracted to range areas if they have access to feed , drinking water or surface water . If those attractions are eliminated , wild birds are unlikely to try to mix and compete with the poultry flock . Such birds can carry disease causing agents to birds .
Ω Feral ( stray animals ) and domestic animals , including other livestock and pets ( cats , dogs , etc .).
Ω Insects : These are carriers of disease agents . For example mosquitoes are carriers of fowl pox ; darkling beetles are carriers of New castle disease , Bursal disease , Mareks disease , Salmonella , among others . Flies are carriers of Salmonella .
Rodents - rats / mice . Rodents are carriers of disease agents contaminating feed and litter with Salmonella and fowl cholera . They also cause damage to equipment ( electrical wire and plastic water pipes ).
Ω Feed may be contaminated by the raw materials used , post-production and during transport , or by exposure to rodents and birds on the property . Bacteria and mould in poor quality or damaged feed may also be a concern . Wet feed permits the development of fungi and molds for example : Aspergillus which causes pneumonia ; mycotoxins . These can result into internal hemorrhages , stunted growth and immunosuppression .
Ω Farm personnel and family members living on the project site .
Ω Contractors , maintenance personnel , neighbors , serviceperson and visitors .
Ω Disease can be transmitted by , for example , hands , boots , dirty hair and clothing .
Transmission as an aerosol or dust . Some pathogens travel in microscopic droplets of moisture / dust and are inhaled . Water : Water supplies may become contaminated with feces from contact with avian or other animals . Contaminated water can be a breeding ground for : Avian Influenza , New Castle Disease , Coliforms , Salmonella and other disease agents .
Ω Water leakage causes wet litter which increases the possible challenge of Coccidiosis . Damages to leg ’ s skin allowing penetration of bacteria causing foot pad and joint inflammation .
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