The level of nitrogen in fresh manure is about 1 %, but on well built-up deep litter it may be around 3 per cent nitrogen ( nearly 20 % protein ). It also contains about . 2 per cent phosphorus and 2 per cent potash , its value is about 3 times that of cattle manure . Hot weather safeguard : This is an important feature in a hot climate . The litter maintains its own constant temperature , so birds burrow into it when the air temperature is high and thereby cool themselves . Conversely , they can warm themselves in the same way when the weather is very cool . Accordingly , it is a valuable insulating agent .
Disadvantages of the Deep Litter System The cost of constructing a deep litter house is high .
Requires large quantity of litter , adding to the production cost . Wastage of feeds by birds . Cannibalism and pecking of eggs are common practices in layers under this system . If in anyway there is a disease outbreak it spreads faster in deep litter system . Difficult to detect unproductive birds in deep litter system .
( b ) Slatted floor system : wire or wooden slatted floors are used instead of deep litter , which allow stocking rates to be increased to five birds / m 2 of floor space . Birds have reduced contact with feces and are allowed some freedom of movement .
Advantages of the Slatted Floor
System No chance of litter borne diseases .
Easy collection of droppings . Avoid wetting of litter during the rainy season .
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