THE REALITIES ABOUT POULTRY The Modern Farm - The Realities About Poultry_Seco | Page 14
Rhode Island White: The Rhode Island
White is a breed of chicken originating in the U.S. state
of Rhode Island. Despite their very similar names and shared place of
o f origin, the Rhode Island
White is a distinct breed from the Rhode Island Red. However, Rhode Island Reds and Whites
can be bred together to create Red Sex Link hybrid chickens, such as the ISA Brown
Rhode Island Whites are a dual-purpose
dual purpose fowl suitable for both meat and egg production. Males
weigh 8.5 pounds (3.9 kilos) and hens weigh 6.5 pounds (3 kilos). They have a sin
single variety,
with pure white plumage, red wattles and earlobes, and a medium size rose comb
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