One day Grandpa took his grandson (only 13) with him. He
stopped at a little store. He gave his grandson, Justin a dollar and
said “kid go get yourself something”. Justin came out with his soda
this time Grandpa was in the passenger seat, Justin said “Grandpa
I don’t have a driver’s license. Grandpa replied “You don’t need no
[dang] license. He wasn’t one to care to much about rules.
Everyday Justin would stop by on the way home from school
to see if he could do something for Grandpa and he always had
something for him. One day little Justin had cleaned up around the
shop and created a HUGE burn pile. He had put tires and batteries
on it and of course Grandpa didn’t tell him not to. So when Justin
lit it off it looked like and explosion had happened with all the black
smoke filling the sky. The fire department showed up and told them
they needed to put it out or they would. So Grandpa said “son get
on up on that cat and put it out”. Little Justin wasn’t very sure