SAVVY TECH GUY WHERE DID THE TIME GO ? PONDER ON THIS.... “DOST THOU LOVE LIFE? THEN DO NOT SQUANDER TIME, FOR THAT’S THE STUFF LIFE’S MADE OF.” — BENJAMIN FRANKLIN A BY:TARRIN SKEEPERS Unfortunately, this habit is not as innocuous as it may appear.Heed my words young ones,many a success story has We ’ v e a l l b e e n t h e r e : a q u i c k look at the clock before a series binge shows you that you have more than enough time to kill...five episodes later that same clock becomes your enemy, reminding you of the three and a half hours you’ve just wasted. Whether it’s the results of weekends lost to drinking with friends, the hours lost to a series binge or the added up minutes spent on social media, we often find ourselves wondering “where did the time go?” What was once a day filled with the promise of planned productivity all too often becomes a reminder of our inability to manage time. been halted by the passage of unproductive time *Sounding like Gandalf* Fortunately for us the wizards of the app world have provided a myriad of aids designed to help us overcome the bad habit of time mismanagement. It would take far too long to list every app out there designed for this purpose but we’ll look at a few that, when used in collaboration with each other; will provide all the essentials needed to nip the problem in the bud. Rescue Time: Very often people will chalk up their lack of productivity to ignorance. They claim to be oblivious of Technology Now | Issue 70 | 234 their lack of time management when completing their daily missions. In your mind, equate time to money: no one wants to lose money so make sure your time is spent wisely. Enter the Rescue Time app. The app has a simple objective, to record the time spent by the user on different activities. The mobile version logs the time spent on each app, websites visited and phone calls made and received: it then provides a report of your time usage daily. You are then given the ability to ascribe ratings of productivity and distraction to your activities. The app uses your ratings to provide a productivity score. The higher your score, the more productive you’ve been. 7