The Real Estate Browser Volume 8, Issue 9 | Page 22

22 — Say you saw it in The Real Estate Browser of Lynchburg — Volume 8 Number 9 www . LynchburgRealEstateBrowser . com

Garden-to-Table Tips for Growing and Cooking Your Own Produce

( StatePoint ) Nearly 50 percent of fresh fruits and 20 percent of fresh vegetables in the US are imported , according to FoodSafety . gov . This means that your food traveled long distances to get to your plate . To better enjoy fruits and vegetables , many families are now growing their own at home .
Want to know exactly where your food is coming from and have the freshest possible flavors within arm ’ s reach ? Bring “ farm-to-table ” dining into your everyday life by creating your own garden . Follow these tips to grow and harvest fruits , veggies and herbs at peak ripeness to enjoy in simple , healthful meals .
Room to Grow
When starting a garden , it ’ s important to have a plan . Find a spacious area with