The Rea Report Summer 2019 | Page 14

BRIGHT CLIENT SWACO WASTE NOT WANT NOT SWAC O … M o re T h a n J u s t A L a n d f ill W hen you hear the words “trash,” “landfill” or “solid waste,” what do you think of? Whether it’s nasty smells, unsightly lit- ter or environmental hazards, it’s prob- ably not good. But Solid Waste Author- ity of Central Ohio (SWACO) is working to change Central Ohio’s mindset about trash through reduce, reuse and recycle initiatives, educational programming and community outreach. SWACO, one of 52 solid waste districts in Ohio, is an independently operated organization consisting of the Franklin County Sanitary Landfill, two transfer stations and a robust set of programs to support waste reduction practices. While the authority is the only district that owns and operates a landfill, its various initia- tives are what help SWACO accomplish its mission to improve the solid waste stream through effective reduction, recy- cling and disposal. We are constantly educating people and sharing with them the engineering marvel that our landfill really is. “We really want to see as little as pos- sible go into our landfill,” said David Lo- gan, SWACO’s accounting and finance manager. “We utilize the disposal fee customers pay to use the landfill, which is our main source of revenue, to sup- port the disposal and diversion activi- ties we undertake.” What A Waste Even though Franklin County residents recycle more waste than the national average, each resident still throws away nearly 5 pounds of material every day. That amounts to about a million tons of waste coming into the landfill each year – and around 70 percent of these landfill materials had the potential to be 14 recycled or composted. So it’s easy to see why SWACO is working hard to find opportunities to help increase diversion. Currently, the Franklin County Sanitary Landfill is expected to last around 43 years but, according to Patrick O’Block, assistant accounting and finance man- ager, by increasing diversion and reduc- ing the amount of waste, SWACO hopes to extend its life beyond that. By Abbey Kanellakis, practice growth manager, [email protected] (Dublin office) surrounding area and groundwater through a multi-step process that in- cludes a cell membrane liner, leachate (wastewater) collection system and a gas collection and control system. The waste is covered daily with auto shred- der residue (foam, plastic and other non-metal materials from car seats and dashboards) that saves money, speeds Through its various diversion programs, SWACO is working hard to fulfill its mis- sion. Last year, those efforts alone in- cluded awarding $178,000 to 14 local organizations to implement or continue waste reduction, recycling, reuse and composting programs. The organiza- tion also received a grant from a national nonprofit that made it possible to assist up operations and is a more environmen- five communities with the purchase of tally friendly approach than soil. new, larger wheeled recycling carts for residents. SWACO also offers residents “We do a lot of great work here while an e-waste collection program, free keeping the environment in mind. We permanent (and mobile) household haz- are very proud of our beautification ardous waste collection sites and com- project. People can’t tell that there is a plimentary webinars, workshops and landfill there because of the attractive presentations on diversion programs. Fi- landscaping and lack of smell. This is nally, SWACO implemented its first-ever a testament to our operations team’s broad scale residential recycling educa- ability to manage the environmental im- tion program, “Recycle Right, Make a pact,” said Patrick. Difference,” which helps residents deter- “We are constantly educating people mine what to recycle and what to avoid. and sharing with them the engineering marvel that our landfill really is,” David That’s Not A Load of Rubbish! commented. “Sanitary landfills are highly “We had to work to change people’s per- regulated and constructed with the ut- ceptions about the landfill,” said David. most regard for public health and safety.” A landfill is not a dump that just piles To take a landfill tour or learn more trash on the surface without any protec- about SWACO’s recycling services, visit tion. SWACO’s newest sanitary landfill cell is 18.6 acres and is EPA-approved. Waste materials are separate from the 15