The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread:
Baker’s IGA is Hometown Proud
It has been quite a year for Gary and
Terrie Baker, independent grocers and
owners of Baker’s IGA. As if celebrating
100 years in business wasn’t exciting
enough, in February, Baker’s IGA was
named the 2018 IGA USA International
Retailer of the Year.
By Michele Linton,
practice growth manager,
[email protected]
(Cleveland office)
A positive company culture has always Always learning, the pair went on to earn
been central to the Baker’s IGA busi- their bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
ness model and the couple say they do Terrie also became an ordained deacon
this by being compassionate and caring in the United Methodist Church. Their
employers who provide flexibility while bishop recognized Terrie as a missionary
granting store managers ownership in operating their business under Christian
the decision-making process. As a result, values, which goes beyond their connec-
Baker’s IGA boasts several long-time tions with employees and communities.
employees, some of whom have been Lastly, Gary and Terrie have aligned
with the company since Gary opened themselves with really good partners,
his first store.
“Our success really comes down to re-
lationships,” said Terrie who, along with
her husband, proudly attributes their
legacy of success to the caring culture
they’ve established for their employees, THE FUTURE’S IN THE BAG
We have to stay in touch with what
shoppers and their community.
The team brought in a consultant a few
our customers want and stock each
years ago to implement processes to
Gary’s grandfather opened his first store improve service and culture. In doing store accordingly.
in 1918. After World War II, Gary’s father so, they launched associate success
opened the family’s second store. In plans, the “Work as a Clerk” program (in
1974, Gary took up the family business which upper management works along- from wholesalers to associations, and
and opened Baker’s A/G Food Store side their clerks) and began conducting they’re active with trade groups, as-
in Newcomerstown and a corporation team meetings twice a year with em- sociations and the IGA advisory board.
was born. Today, the Bakers operate ployees in each store to discuss opera- This involvement helps them serve their
customers and community in new and
an award-winning company with stores tions and encourage feedback.
in Newcomerstown, Scio, Coshocton, “We’ve had some great ideas generated innovative ways.
through this program,” said Gary, who ex- For their ongoing efforts, the company
Sugarcreek and Mount Vernon.
Gary said he worked at the stores as plained that the company also participates has also earned the Pinnacle Award by
a child and was officially added to the in the “IGA Way to Care” program, which the Ohio Grocers Association, which
payroll at age 11. He’s worked his way uses team meetings, online training and is based on operational excellence
through the ranks to get where he is to- certifications to maintain the organization- and contribution to the Ohio food industry.
day and he encouraged Terrie to do the al culture and overall shopper experience.
Establishing and maintaining strong
same. The duo rolled up their sleeves, In order to compete with national retail- relationships with their, family,
stocking shelves, carrying out groceries ers, the team has been on a journey of employees, customers, com-
and cashing out customers. Today, Gary constant learning and evolution.
munity, partners and church
serves as the company’s president/CEO “We have to stay in touch with what our have helped this dynamic
while Terrie serves as VP/CFO.
customers want and stock each store duo grow a successful multi-
To set Baker’s IGA apart from other gro- accordingly,” said Terrie, who still bags generational business they
cers in the area, Gary says he maintains groceries from time to time in an effort can be proud of.
the principles his father and grandfather to stay on the business’s front lines.
instilled, which includes the importance “Every year brings its own challenges, Learn more about Baker’s
of hard work, maintaining clean stores, and we constantly look at our options IGA at
delivering exceptional customer service to keep the company viable,” said Gary.
and retaining excellent relationships in “Over the years, we’ve added a website
all aspects of the business – particularly and social media, now we’re looking into
among his employees.
online ordering options.”