Statistics tell a story . And the latest story is that cyber criminals are aggressively hitting small- to mid-sized businesses .
As the publication Small Business Trends reports , 43 percent of cyber attacks target small businesses , and only 14 percent of small businesses rate their ability to mitigate such attacks as “ highly effective .” These jarring statistics should cause you to pause if you ’ re a “ mom and pop ” operation . Don ’ t think for a second that just because you ’ re a small operation , you ’ re not a target for cyber criminals . The objective of cyber criminals is to get money quickly and easily .
Why You May Think You ’ re Not At Risk
Every small business owner has an opinion regarding cybersecurity . Some may simply be unaware of the depth of risks to their business while others may believe they have no risk at all . Aside from the fact that so many small businesses are generally not well protected , a small business owner might underestimate their digital value and falsely conclude , “ What is there to steal ?”
In today ’ s economy , information is as valuable as money and cybercriminals know you have it and they want it for themselves . Like many businesses , you probably maintain a database of customer information . This database might include their contact information , payment methods , and purchase history . This is enough to make a cyber criminal ’ s mouth water . You ’ d be surprised what a bad actor can ( and will ) do with all of that juicy information .