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3 Advice


How to Take Care of your Skin During the Summer Months

Ryan Mills
Burt ’ s Bees Body Lotion : $ 4.50
Neutrogena Sunscreen Products : $ 10.99- $ 13.49
Do you want to keep your skin looking and feeling nice for the upcoming summer months ? If so , here is a guide on how to keep your skin healthy .
The first thing you should do each day is take a shower . This gets rid of any bacteria or germs that are on your body . Certain bacteria can lead to skin infection and / or acne .
After showering , apply lotion to your skin . Keeping it moisturized helps your skin from drying out and cracking . Read labels to make sure your soaps and lotions don ’ t contain harmful chemicals such as parabens that can lead to an increased risk of cancer .
Once you ’ re done moisturizing , go outside and get some sun . Sunshine is a good source of Vitamin D which is great for your skin . Just make sure when you ’ re outside you keep your skin protected .
There are multiple ways to keep your skin protected from the harmful UV rays of the sun . There are obvious things like seeking shade or wearing protective clothing ( hats , long sleeve shirts , glasses , etc .). You can also apply sunblock . Some popular skin care brands like Aveeno , Banana Boat , Neutrogena , and Coppertone sell products with a high SPF .
When you ’ re done with your daily activities it ’ s important to cleanse your skin to prevent any buildup of dirt or bacteria . You can use soap and warm water or a special face wash . If you want to get lotions , cleansers , or soaps that are natural and do not contain harmful chemicals , Burt ’ s Bees is a good choice . Neutrogena and Gold Bond are also inexpensive moisturizers that you can use .
Remember , the skin is the largest organ on your body , so it ’ s important to take care of it !

How to Dress Like a Rockstar Dalton Sweezy

Have you ever wanted to dress like your favorite celebrity ? If so , you are not alone . Celebrities such as Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson have made significant impacts on our society ’ s fashion choices . I ’ m going to give you a few tips on how to copy popular celebrities , Alex Turner , and Taylor Swift ’ s style . Alex Turner is the lead singer of a band called Arctic Monkeys , and Taylor Swift is a very popular pop artist . Both are known for their style . With my help , you can be too .
Coming onto the scene in 2005 with the Arctic Monkeys ’ first album , “ Whatever You Say I Am , That ’ s What I ’ m Not ,” Turner ’ s style was mainly just jeans and t-shirts at first , but as his musical career progressed he developed into a stylish , bold performer . From his perfectly coiffed hair to his stylish leather jacket , he always seems to be dressed very fashionably .
To imitate his classy style , make sure you are always dressed appropriately for the situation . During appearances and performances , he wears a classier suit or dress shirt . Replicate this by investing in a nice blazer or suit jacket that can be warn with jeans or dress pants .
For Turner ’ s relaxed look , wear a nice , clean t-shirt with a leather jacket and jeans . How you dress greatly determines how people perceive you , which I feel Alex Turner has learned over his musical career . If you wanted to be taken seriously in any business , you have to dress the part .
Another celebrity with great fashion is singer Taylor Swift . Whether she ’ s on stage performing in front of millions or just walking around the streets of New York , she always looks sharp . The main reason for her fashion success is her ability to blend colors . Swift takes bright and
vibrant colors and incorporates them into outfits that really allow them to stand out .
My advice would be to think outside of the box when trying to dress like her . Take brighter colors that you usually wouldn ’ t experiment with and try them out . When trying to dress like this star , make sure to try new things and keep an open mind .
Both Alex Turner and Taylor Swift are great examples of how to dress well . One thing they both have in common is that their styles have changed over time and evolved into their signature looks .
With any celebrity , use their styles as a guide to what looks good , and expand upon them to develop your own style . By following these strong examples , you ’ ll be looking like a star in no time !
Alex Turner , of the Artic Monkeys .
Freshman Keenan Andrade at Kohl ’ s , styling in his new Alex Turner-inspired look ( suit jacket and dress shirt ).
Subway on I85 , Exit 14
1651 Bessemer City Rd Gastonia , NC 28052

Major Keys to a Fun Summer Zak Love

As summer break begins , some students get jobs , go to camps , or go on vacation . Nobody wants to be the person who is bored and stuck in the house . There are several keys to stay entertained , and get the most out of your summer .
Give back to the community by helping out at a shelter or donating money .
Binge watch a Netflix series .
Subway next to BI-LO
443 N . Generals Blvd Lincolnton , NC 28092
Stay happy and healthy throughout summer .
Don ’ t stay in the house all day . Catch up with friends from school . Go to the library , the park , or the movies , anything to get out of the house !