According to, In American prisons 80% of the population in those prisons are African American. This could simply be because black people are committing more crime, or is it because The justice system in America is racist and gives black people harsher punishments. Black people make up 30% of america and make up 80% of prisons according to Just think about it, 80% of the prison population is black. Is it plausible that black people are committing that many crimes? There is an equal amount of non African Americans committing crimes but they're not all going to jail. Why is this happening? Unfortunately these prison sentences given by the court are based on the stereotype of black people being bad citizens and “thugs”. This of course is not true but whenever a judge or a jury sees a black person in court, that stereotype is going through their heads, which will make them want to believe the person is guilty.
Doesn’t this make you angry, how can we be letting this happen. There are people that are going to make mistakes in their life that might get them into prison. But the fact that for a black person if you get stopped by a cop you’re chances of being sent to prison are almost certain. While a white person can get away with shop lifting, driving drunk, and even shoving a police officer without being punished according to This needs to be stopped, The courts need to not be biased and give everyone the same treatment. How can we change the biased opinion of the courts. What we can do is punish police officers who mistreat black people on purpose. What we have to do is make laws that punishes police officers if they purposefully harm a black person when that person does not deserve to be harmed.