The Racist Minds of the Justice System May. 2015 | Page 2

America is supposedly past it’s racist phase after the civil rights act of 1962. But that is a lie, America is still a very much racially divided place, granted not nearly as much as in the 1960’s, but a noticeable amount. The place where black people are most highly discriminated is the American justice System. You always see on the news about cops killing Black people for things that are not worthy of the death penalty, you may just think this is a coincidence. It is not a coincidence however, we live in a society where there is a plentiful amount of racist police officers. These officers ignore normal protocol and immediately go for the most violent and unreasonable way possible when arresting a black person, usually a male. We have seen cases where an officer has strangled a man to the ground while the man is begging to be let go. He was killed in cold blood after he begged for his life 11 times. This is just one example of how police officers clearly go out of their way to mistreat black people when they are arresting them.

In America people are still being racist in the justice system. On a chart other races have a better chance at being guilty then white people. The jury should treat everybody with the same respect as they give to the white people. It’s not fair that people that have different skin colors go to jail more. Police mistreat different races because they know the jury is going to send that person to jail for a long time. The population in jail is filled with black people. The community should step up for other races and try to get the same right as different races.