The Queue : July - September 2015 | Page 4

I. University Preparation and Application The US President John F Kennedy is reported to have said, “When written in Chinese, the word 'crisis' is made up of two characters: one represents danger and the other opportunity.” John F Kennedy Crises and opportunities require that the person who meets them knows how to recognise them and take action to remove them or to use them. In America, the expression “Jack would not recognise an opportunity if it was staring him in the face!” is used to describe a person who is too dull to see when to take advantage of a good opportunity. This magazine will help you to prepare to see your opportunities. So, for example, before reading this magazine were you aware that the word “crisis” becomes “crises” in its plural form? Many students I know would not even look up the word in a dictionary. They would just guess that it would be “crisises.” We can see the difference in the preparation between committed and uncommitted students by a thin line between them. This is a very important start because, in our 3