The Quarterly | DCS Employee Newsletter Issue 11 | Page 12


Reentry Services Division


Virtual Reentry Series Panel Discussions

The Reentry Services Division is pleased to announce the hosting of the 2020-2021 Virtual Reentry Series which will feature a broad range of sessions that highlight evidence-based best practices to strengthen our community and faith-based reentry services while paying particular attention to strength-based practices that enhance and complement addressing the criminogenic risk and needs of justice involved adults throughout our state .
The series is designed for justice-involved individuals and community partners to include faith based organizations , mental health or substance abuse professionals , housing providers , second chance employers , advocacy groups , reentry coalition groups , state and local agency partners , elected officials , social workers , case managers , and any person or organization interested in reducing recidivism and strengthening reentry services .
The series will feature presentations from DCS , community partners , and other state and national agencies . A soft launch of the series started for the month of October with collaboration with the Georgia Justice Project . The ten virtual sessions were centered around barriers to reentry , expungement , and the right to vote . On November 4th , we were pleased to present a Lunch & Learn on Strength-based Case Management led by nationally recognized speakers and organizations through collaboration with American Institutes for Research and WestEd Justice and Prevention Research Center . This session highlighted emerging trends in reentry and community corrections and included a discussion of research , tools , successes , and barriers to the implementation of strengthbased models .
Please stay tuned for more information and exciting events hosted during our Reentry Series .