The Quarterly | DCS Employee Newsletter Issue 10 | Page 4

W H A T W E ' V E B E E N U P T O L A T E L Y

Rome DRC

The # TeamDCS Rome DRC conducted their 31st commencement ceremony honoring 51 graduates . The event was outdoors and guidelines were followed . Special thanks to Rep . Katie Dempsy , two superior court judges , Rome Chief of Police , and our keynote speaker , Sheriff elect Dave Roberson .

Office Parade

The Chattahoochee Circuit celebrated their employees by holding an office parade ! Staff reported to the office for a " mandatory " staff meeting only to be greeted by supervisors with a balloon entrance and gift bags . Great job to honor these hardworking individuals !

# CSW2020

The Houston Circuit had T-shirts and gift bags made for all staff members to show appreciation for their service and honor the commitment they made to protect and serve Georgia citizens while providing opportunities for successful outcomes .

Albany Partnerships

The Albany Baptist Ministers ’ Conference invited community law enforcement leaders to establish partnerships . Coordinating Chief Kimberly Persley of the Dougherty Judicial Circuit was able to provide insight on how collaboration helps reduce recidivism .