The Professional MagazineQ1 2017 1-2017 | Page 6

Harry S. Truman said, “not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.”


Leaders who Read

Leaders embrace a reading culture beyond our boarders

LYP Readers and Leaders forum is aimed to inculcate a reading culture in our members.

Appreciating the dynamic requirements of the modern day professionals and entrepreneurs, LYP Leaders and Readers clubs aim to equip our members with knowledge drawn from the wide selection of books covered in the book clubs.

Each month Readers select a category of books and get to read atleast one, two or three books.

a pacesetter ensures readers are kept engaged throughout the month while presenters summarise the books in focus at the monthly Presentation events. at the

Across the boarder, LYP uganda is happy and excited with their upcoming first year anniversary celebrations.

The teams that stated last year (2016) led by Mr Baitwa, who was inspired by the readers and leaders has grown over the one year period and is already impacting on the lives of the Professionals in Uganda and influencing the high schools in Uganda to start reading clubs.

We are very excited with the new addition to the LYP family and wish the Uganda team success in their endeavors. A team of LYP officials will join in the celebrations in May.

LYP Uganda excelling in Reading and mentorship