The Professional Edition 12 | July 2024 | Page 35

The evolution of our purpose as an inter-generational organisation will place education ( UN SGD 4 ) and sustainability ( UN SGD 12 ) at the core of how we operate . We will continue to focus on protecting and growing our graduate professional members ’ wealth but not regardless of its societal cost or impact on future generations .
Excitedly , the emphasis on education will focus both on enabling our members and employees to make more resilient decisions about our shared futures , as well as on how our organisation can support tertiary institutions and schools more effectively to help grow our membership base .
Similarly , our focus on sustainable production and consumption patterns talks to both our hiring and procurement policies in terms of transformation and gender , as well as mitigating negative environmental and inter-generational impacts on future members .
When looking at the portfolios we manage on behalf of our members , 2030 falls within the investment time horizon of more than half of our assets . So , when it comes to how we consider investments on behalf of our members , we are implementing ways we can invest with impact around UN SDG 4 ( education ), as well as how we can partly transition from fossil fuel companies in our global portfolios .
Both PPS and the world are falling behind in terms of integrating sustainability into our operations . For too long , we have viewed 2030 as distant goal that we do not need to worry about . The purposeful journey we are taking to protect our shared futures promises to be particularly rewarding .
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* PPS Investments is an authorised FSP .
** Kindly note that this does not constitute financial advice the information provided is purely informational . In terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act , an FSP should not provide advice to investors without an appropriate risk analysis and thorough examination of a client ’ s particular financial situation . The information , opinions and communication from the PPS Group or any of its subsidiaries , whether written , oral or implied , are expressed in good faith and not intended as investment advice , nor do they constitute an offer or solicitation in any manner . PPS Ltd is a licensed insurer conducting life insurance business , a licensed controlling company and an authorised FSP .
David Crosoer