More narrowly , even when we use traditional metrics like economic growth as a proxy for well-being , the world is expected to underperform to 2030 . The International Monetary Fund ( IMF ), for example , sees below trend global growth across its five-year forecast horizon – a situation that even if there was nothing else going on would leave millions more entrenched in poverty .
For South Africa , these failures are especially crippling , given our economy ’ s inability to perform at the level required to lift citizens out of poverty over the last 15 years , as well as the social injustices that still scar us 30 years after Apartheid .
So , what about 2030 , then ? That is just more than five years away . How should PPS operate in this context ? And how should our members expect us to operate ?
For more than 80 years , the PPS Group has defined its purpose as looking after the financial interest and well-being of its members by allowing them to live the lives they want to live .
By living this purpose , our organisation has been highly successful at protecting our members against perils and helping them be successful at growing wealth .
However , our purpose has been less successful in recognising the long game we need to play as a company operating on the ethos of mutuality . As an organisation deeply committed to the future education of professionals and to supporting the communities our members serve , we need to better understand and embrace this long game .
what ?
“ Needless to say , the consequences for less robust systems that have fallen far short of meeting the 17 UN SDGs are likely to be catastrophicip .
“ Even when we use traditional metrics like economic growth as a proxy for well-being , the world is expected to underperform to 2030 .