The Professional Edition 12 | July 2024 | Page 17

Wolves , lions and wild dogs hunt in packs – the individual animals have little chance of securing a meal ; teamwork secures their survival . Emperor penguins huddle together to conserve body heat and survive harsh winters in Antarctica . On the African savannah , oxpecker birds hitch a ride on the backs of rhinoceroses and zebras , providing parasitic control for the mammalian partners and a food source for the avian one . The oxpeckers also make a hissing sound whenever they are frightened . This serves as an alarm system for their hosts . It is mutualism at its best !
Some synergetic relationships in the animal kingdom are even weird and unlikely . The Nile crocodile is aggressive when an uninvited visitor steps into their territory . However , there is one creature that they not only tolerate but practically welcome into their aquatic domain . The Egyptian plover will fly into the crocodile ’ s open mouth and feed upon the decomposing meat stuck between their teeth . The plover gets a meal while the crocodile gets some free dental work !

It is not your way or my way , but a better way , a higher way .

Many species of shark have established an unlikely alliance with pilot fish . While the pilot fish helps to rid the shark of parasites and clean away fragments of food caught between its teeth , it benefits from protection against other predators . The companionship between these two species is said to be so strong that there are even tales of distressed pilot fish following trawler vessels months after catching “ their ” shark .
And then there is the beautiful relationship between honeyguides and humans . The eggs , larvae and beeswax contained in beehives are a key food source for honeyguide birds . These birds gain easy access to a meal by leading other honey-coveting species , like humans , to the nest , allowing them to do the hard work of breaking into it . They recruit people with a demanding call , indicating that they have found a beehive . The honey-hunting humans reply with calls passed down through generations and follow the bird . The humans then subdue the bees , such as with smoke . With the bees dispatched and the humans satisfied , the honeyguides are left to dine .
But it is not only nature that provides us with many examples of synergetic relationships . There is also the world of sport . Team ball sports are obvious examples . But in endurance sports , certain examples also stand out . One is cycling . The cycling team ’ s strategy revolves around the notion that it is easier to pedal when someone is in front to cut the wind . Drafting can save between 20 % and 40 % of a rider ’ s energy in a long event .
Another is rowing . It differs from paddling in that rowing oars are attached to the boat using oarlocks and the rowers sit with their backs to the front ( bow ) of the boat . Rowing is divided into two disciplines : sculling