The Professional Edition 12 | July 2024 | Page 15

Stronger together :

Teamwork , alliance , coaction , unity , harmony … mutuality ! Is it not beautiful when the interaction of elements produces an effect greater than what would have resulted from simply adding up the effects of each element ?

This is synergy . It stems from the Greek word synergos , which means working together . It is achieved when two or more people or organisms work together to create a better solution than either could alone . It is not your way or my way , but a better way , a higher way . If you have served on teams that have succeeded in the adventure of finding new solutions to old problems — as I am sure you have — then you have felt it . Teamwork at its best results in a synergy that can be extremely productive .
We see such partnerships throughout the plant and animal kingdoms , both within and outside of a single species . Some creatures forge lifelong relationships with other organisms , for ease or for ultimate survival . Stephen Covey said it well : synergy is everywhere in nature !

Stronger together :

The synergy of unity

By Izak Smit , PPS Group CEO
“ Two are better than one , because they have good return for their work : If one falls down , his friend can help him up . But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up . Also , if two lie down together , they will keep warm . But how can one keep warm alone ? Though one may be overpowered , two can defend themselves . A cord of three strands is not quickly broken .” Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
These types of alliances are scientifically referred to as symbiotic relationships , which can be separated into three types : commensalism , mutualism and parasitism . Mutualism is the win-win form of symbiotic relationships , with both partners benefiting .
We can think of the bees and the flowers : Bees sip nectar from flowers that are turned into honey for food while the flowers are , in turn , pollinated . Look up at the sky and we see birds flying in a “ V ” formation as they migrate , each one creating an easier journey for those behind .