The Price of Education May 2013 | Page 17

My parents really want me to go to Harvard and I want to go to the University of Texas Austin, but my parents said that they would only pay for my tuition if I went to Harvard. What should I do?

If you really have your heart set on U.T. then I would defiantly go. 18 is the age where you break away from your parents. You no longer have to do as they please. To find the money for your tuition I would recommend reading the rest of this magazine. I would also recommend applying to as many scholarships as possible. If you are on the fence about U.T. and Harvard still seems like a good option, than I would go to Harvard. If you don’t fully want to go to U.T., than you might not have enough motivation to raise money for your tuition. As cheesy as it may sound listen to your heart.