The Premier School of Business in Ecuador FOLLETO-STUDY-ABROAD-28052018 | Page 9

w i t h a G l o b a l P e r s p e c t i v e Why Universidad Del Pacífico? Galapagos Islands Universidad Del Pacífico offers two academic centers: Quito, Guayaquil and facilities in the Galapagos Islands. This means that study-abroad students can take advantage of living in the capital city of Quito for a taste of colonial life in the Andes, coastal life in tropical Guayaquil and the spectacular bio-diversity of the Galapagos Islands and the Amazon. The academic structure is designed to allow a student to complete his/her career at any of these locations with the same course content syllabi and schedules. If you are planning to visit more than one region of our country, we can make arrangements in your course selection. Santa Ana, Guayaquil Panecillo, Quito Colonial Center, Quito