Effrontery (n) (page 229) Shameless buildness.
Greedy (n) (page 316) Acquisitive or selfish desire beyond reason.
Misanthrope (n) (page 460) One who hates humankind.
Quixotic (adj) (page 592) Reference to Don Quixote.
Reap (v) (page 601) To cut or clear with scythe, or machine.
Snare (n) (page 680) A trap of ten consisting of a noose for catching birds or mammals.
Sows (n) (page 687) 1. An adult female swine. 2. To plant seed for growing by scattering.
Stroll (v) (page 709) To walk into leisure or idle manner.
Tidings (v) (page 747) To carry through or help along as if by the tide.
Wicked (adj) (page 883) Morally bad.
The Merriam Webster Dictionary. Springfield, MA 01102. Merriam Webster Inc. Printed