THE POTTING SHED UK September Issue | Page 10

Make a mini Eden from tiny urban spaces

A founder member of a ‘grow your own’ community project that turned a London neighbourhood into a mini Eden will be sharing the secrets of its success at The Edible Garden Show 2014 – the UK’s only national event devoted to ‘grow your own’.

Qualified horticulturalist and professional gardener Naomi

Schillinger helped transform the streets around her

Islington home when she joined forces with neighbours to

plant wild flowers in tree pits around the base of trees intheir road.

The project bloomed and residents were soon growing

greens in their window boxes and fruit and veg in whatever

small space they could outside their city terraces.

Naomi says: “Our informal project has grown to 100

households on two streets. It has transformed our

neighbourhood and led to wonderful new relationships

across the generations. Some of our best growers are all

older members of the community but we have been

encouraging children to get involved too. Children really

love to see vegetables growing and our project has shown

you don’t even need a front garden to get involved as crops

such as carrots, tomatoes, lettuces, nasturtium and herbs

have thrived in our window boxes. There are so many plants

that are ornamental as well as edible so they look fabulous

and are great to eat too.”

Naomi, who published her first book, ‘Veg Street’, about the project in March, gave a talk ‘Dinner On Your Doorstep’ at last year’s show, which proved so popular she is returning to share her experience, knowledge and top tips in daily talks at The Edible Garden Show 2014.

Held over three days from 28-30 March 2014, the show will be bursting with innovative products, top exhibitors, home-grown produce, food, livestock and celebrity speakers and is a one-stop shop for anyone wanting a slice of the ‘Good Life’. Packed with new ideas, advice and features it has something for all the family from bees and chickens to seeds and sheds.

Naomi who works as a garden coach, consultant and gardener for clients all over North London, says: “I am delighted to be returning to The Edible Garden Show to share our story and also to give tips on growing in small urban spaces.”

Launched in 2011, the event has enjoyed three highly successful years at Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire, attracting visitors from across the UK and abroad. Building on this success, the move to London’s Alexandra Palace for 2014 will introduce the “grow-your-own” revolution to new audiences across the country.

The line-up for 2014 includes the award-winning TV presenter and long-standing supporter of the show James Wong, who will be sharing his passion for exotic edibles. Another famous face to join the team of celebrity speakers is Christine Walkden, gardening guru for the BBC’s One Show.

Scheduled for the beginning of the growing season, The Edible Garden Show harvests a huge crop of exciting exhibitors and brings inspirational celebrity chefs and gardeners together under one roof in a one-stop shop for anyone wanting a slice of the ‘Good Life’.

Tickets cost £16 (£12 in advance) with concessions for children and the elderly. Call the ticket hotline on 0844 338 8001 or visit