THE POTTING SHED UK October Issue | Page 11

Upon entering the hanger at Malvern Show you could

be mistaken for thinking that you have walked into a

scientific experiment. Everything is vastly bigger that you have ever

seen before and not even a Ware Rabbit in site to devourer the produce.

But it is no experiment it is the first UK Giant Vegetable Championship's where

growers from around the country converge to battle it out to see who has the biggest pumpkin or the longest bean. But these vegetables are completely natural grown as you would normally just with a bit more TLC and space. They are the result of years of breading and careful reselection to produce the biggest and the best. With the ultimate aim to get the converted Guinness World Record and this was happened to Ian Neale from Newport in Wales at Malvern this year who smashed the World record for the heaviest Swede . Weighing in at a whopping 54kg which is 10.4kg bigger than the previous record. If That was not a big enough result for Ian Neale he also broke the British record for the heaviest carrot with a 8.35kg carrot. As well as six other red cards to add to his tally of wins at Malvern. If you are interested

in growing giant veg there is a great website you can also

buy all the best strains so you are guaranteed a

good start to growing your own
