Clematis ‘Purple Dream’
This clematis has larger blooms with four lanceolate, twisting and pointed sepals which are creamy - crimson on the outside and light pink
on the inside. The centre is filled with 15–16 staminodes. Stamens have cream coloured anthers, filaments and pistils. Dark-green foli
age consists of relatively large leaves
(20cm x 16cm) with serrated edges. Grapefruit scented .Prune tidy. Flower size: 10-12cm.
Clematis ‘Lemon Dream’
Flowers are lemon-yellow/lime coloured becoming paler as they reach full bloom. Four lanceolate, slightly wavy and pointy sepals surround 12–15 staminodes. Stamens are composed of yellow anthers set on lime-
coloured filaments and pistils are light-yellow.
Dark-green, more elongated foliage consists of
relatively large leaves (21cm x 14cm)
with serrated edges. Grapefruit-
scented. Prune tidy. Flower size: 10-12cm.
Clematis ‘Pink Swing’
The four elliptical, pointed sepals are pink with darker purplish-pink spots, while the underside is a creamy light pink. Theflower centre is
filled with 15–17 staminodes.
Stamens consist of yellow anthers on
lime-coloured filaments and pistils are light-
yellow. Dark- green, foliage consists of
relatively large leaves (20cm x 18cm)
with serrated edges. Grapefruit-
scented. Prune tidy. Flower size: 10-12cm.
David Austin Roses
Stand GPD18
Bowling Green Lane, Albrighton, Wolverhampton,
The Albrighton Rambler(‘Ausmobile’)
A repeat- flowering rambler which has small, cup
- shaped flowers coloured soft pink that pale to blush. The petals are arranged with a
little button eye and blooms are held in large sprays. Very good disease resistance and flowers stand up well to rain. Graceful rambling habit.
Fragrance is light, typical of an English musk hybrid. Named after thevillage of Albrighton where the nursery is located. Height: 8-12ft.
Rosa Carolyn Knight(‘Austurner’)
A sport of the English Leander hybrid Summer Song (‘Austango’), which had burnt orange blooms. The large, double, cup- shaped flowers on Carolyn Knight are soft gold in colour, while the buds are apricot pink. Growth is vigorous, upright and almost thornless, suitable for the back of the border. Fragrance is complex and varied, hints of honey, myrrh, almond and blackcurrant. Named after a former helper at the nursery who recently passed away . Height: 4ft. Spread: 3ft.
The Lady Gardener(‘Ausbrass’)
An unusual Old English Rose hybrid with 4in, rosette-shaped, apricot flowers. Suitable f
or general garden use, repeat flowering and
good resistance to disease . Blooms stand up well to rain and have a fragrance of tea with hints of cedar wood and vanilla. Medium green foliage. Height: 3 - 4ft. Spread: 2½ft.
Thomas à Becket(‘Auswinston’)
Resemblesan informal shrub rose in habit but
is more natural and shrubby in
growth and closer to a species rose in character. Blooms are medium-sized, shallow-cupped, informal rosettes that are carmine in colour, petals reflexing as the flowers age. Strong Old Rose fragrance of zesty lemon. Good resistance to disease. Named after request from Canterbury Cathedral. Height: 4ft.
Spread: 3ft.