The Post-Industrial, Post-Modern Theory of Value and Surplus-Value (Deconstructing the Marxist Fetishism of value) | Page 25

value ”[ 94 ] and more importantly “ cheapening of the elements of constant capital ”[ 95 ] etc . All of these counteracting factors to the law / tendency of the general falling rate of profit , are the result of unquantifiable creative-power , which produces a general-value that , although immeasurable , ameliorates and develops the circuits of the capitalist modes of production , consumption and distribution , by stifling the law / tendency of the general falling rate of profit . For example , the devaluation of constant capital , is the product of an arbitrary social construction , or in this case , reconstruction of value and price specific to constant capital . Devaluation , betrays Marx ’ s analysis , in the sense that such arbitrary devaluations , so as to advert a falling rate of profit , are indicative of the glaring fact that price and value are more the product of conceptual-perception , i . e . arbitrary social construction , than any solid immutable quantity of socially necessary labor-time . As Marx states , “ devaluation of existing capital ( i . e . of its material elements )… steadily operates to stay the fall in the rate of profit ”[ 96 ], but what Marx does say , is that this devaluation , is a creative solution brought forth via an expenditure of creative-power , that suspends , subverts and ultimately overcomes the law / tendency of the general falling rate of profit . Devaluation , socially constructs the values and prices of constant capital according to a different set of conceptual-perceptions , i . e . one that is not limited by a falling profit rate .
In fact , once a solution has been implemented , the law / tendency of the general falling rate of profit disappears , it no longer exerts an effect , it may return like any illness but the remedy eliminates its influence outright . In this case , creative-power has produced an unquantifiable value that is invaluable to the capitalist modes of production , consumption and distribution in overcoming the general falling rate of profit ; as a result , creative-power is value-producing even if the value it produces is unquantifiable . This unquantifiable value generated via creative-power is a productive value , although priceless , in the sense that it permits capitalism to go on , that is , to develop itself , to refine itself , and to accumulate and extract surplus values of all types and kinds , ad infinitum . More importantly , this is indicative that price and value are in essence subjective , capable of conscious adjustments and re-adjustment outside the regulating mechanism of supply and demand and / or an overarching law of value , if an entity has the capabilities and the power to accomplish such a thing . Furthermore , this is the essence of all theories of conceptualcommodity-value-management , that value , price , wage and profit are manageable and capable of adjustment and re-adjustments at will , depending on one ’ s level of control , the situation , overall conceptual-perception and / or the specific capitalist dilemma .
The point is that , in theory , value , price , wage and profit may be capable of unlimited artificially constructed determinations , which are completely detached from all quantifiable value-structures such as Marx ’ s law of quantifiable value . If arbitrary socially constructed prices , values , wages and profits can be sustained over a long period of time and space , whether through violence , coercion , state-disciplinaryapparatuses , unions , oligarchical-networks , corporations , governments and / or associations etc ., then these arbitrary values , prices , wages and profits can circumvent scientifically quantifiable values , prices , wages , and profits , i . e . any mechanical deterministic law of value , whatever this autonomous law stipulates . In this regard , the regulatory mechanism of socially necessary labor-time is thwarted . For instance , whatever a CEO dreams is his or her fair market value and price , whatever outlandish wage / price he or she dreams up for his or her services or product , is valid . It is valid , due to fact that , in this case , a ruling corporateoligarchical-network , capable of enforcing such outlandish wages / price , dictates the parameters of the price of production , i . e . overall market value , pertaining to all CEOs , outside their actual quantifiable labor-power contributions .
It is important to note , that because value , price , profit and wage are today detached from their rational value base , i . e . socially necessary labor-time and scientifically quantifiable value , a litany of mass surveillance and disciplinary apparatuses have immerged within post-industrial , post-modern bourgeoisstate-capitalism so as to safeguard and solidify socially constructed arbitrary capitalist values , profits , prices and wages . Due to the rise of socially constructed values , prices , profits and wages , and as a result