March 2014
UK Page 7
UK Groups News
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
The Ordinariate Mission on the Isle of Wight, at St Mary’s Ryde, offered a service of choral Evensong, in the
Anglican tradition according to the Customary, for members of the Catholic Guild of Stephen and for the Guild
of the Servants of the Sanctuary (Anglican). The Ordinariate pastor, Fr Jonathan Redvers Harris officiated,
Fr Anthony Glaysher, the host parish priest, gave the blessing, and the Revd John Davies, the Anglican priest
of Lake and Shanklin, preached the sermon. There was much positive feedback after the service, the idea for
which was Phillip Stillman’s (the Ordinariate head server in the IOW Mission) and it was agreed that more joint
evensongs for the servers’ guilds take place.
Ordinariate Priest Composes New Mass Setting
The Mass of St Gregory is a new setting of the Mass, composed by Fr
Mark Elliott Smith and first performed recently at the Church of Our
Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory, Warwick Street London,
where Fr Elliott Smith, a priest of the Ordinariate, is parish priest.
The Mass sets the words of the Roman Missal and an Ordinariate
Use version is planned. It is adaptable to congregational or choirled singing and is a blend of singable, melodic lines, easy for a
congregation to learn, and interesting and distinctive harmonies to
keep organists and part-singers happy.
Fr Mark Elliott Smith’s Mass of St Gregory is set to become a popular
setting of the Mass among Ordinariate churches and congregations,
and may even find a place in diocesan Catholic parishes, helping to
fulfil Benedict XVI’s vision for the Personal Ordinariate as a means
of enriching the Roman Rite.
Show your support
for the Ordinariate
Our Lady of Walsingham badge & cufflinks
sold in support clergy stipends - available from:
John Worley
48 Lawn Lane
Hemel Hempstead HP3 9HL
Badges: £4 each
Cufflinks: £12 (pair)
please include SAE Cheques payable to:
Ordinariate olw
Coat of Arms of the
Personal Ordinariate
of Our Lady of Walsingham
available from:
Ordinariate Lapel Badge, 274 Imperial Court,
Kennington Lane, London SE11 5QN
Cost: £5 (inc P&P) - cheques payable to: Ordinariate OLW
Please remember to include your name and address
Fr Mark Elliott Smith
Harrow School
Concert at Ordinariate
Central Church
A choir from the famous English public school,
Harrow, is to give a concert at the Ordinariate’s central
church in London, Our lady of the Assumption and St
Gregory, Warwick Street, to raise funds for the church.
The concert will be performed by Harrow’s elite
vocal ensemble, The Byron Consort, and will include
music by MacMillan, Tallis, Bruckner and Palestrina.
The Byron Concert has performed at several
English cathedrals, including St Paul’s, Westminster,
Winchester and Canterbury, and regularly tours
The concert is at 7.30pm on Saturday 22nd March.
Admission is free, with a retiring collection.