The Portal October 2018 | Page 4


Sexual propaganda in school

A scandal is highlighted by Joanna Bogle

It ’ s time – it ’ s beyond time – to stop pumping out sexual propaganda to schoolchildren . It ’ s time to stop play-acting a sort of version of 1950s-Soviet-style indoctrination . It ’ s time to let truth on everyday matters speak for itself .

Back in the 1980s as a school governor I was sent tiresome material from something called the Equal Opportunities Commission . It wasn ’ t about equal opportunities . It was about trying to stop teachers from talking in a friendly , open and normal way to children . The Commission urged that teachers should not say “ I need some tall strong boys to help lift this box ”, thus implying that boys ’ strength would be useful . No reason was given for this ban : there was a sort of assumption that it was somehow wrong to suggest that boys and girls should be differentiated in any way .
It was stupid then and it is stupid now . But now we know more . We know that deliberately trying to stop boys and girls from affirming their masculinity and femininity is also cruel . The more that children have been urged not to allow “ gender stereotyping ” to happen , the more they have become confused and unhappy . Instead of a healthy understanding about sexual difference and an appreciation of complementarity , there is now crudity and bullying . Girls have never been more obsessed with their appearance and what is called “ body image ” than they are now ; boys have never made such frequent use of sexual expletives or ugly insults .
A recent survey from the Children ’ s Society reveals an apparent surge in children deliberately cutting their arms or faces – “ self-harming ” in current parlance . This seems to correlate to a massive increase in children announcing that they have been sexually attracted to members of their own sex , or to both sexes at once .
What is going on ? As always , a lot of things . At present , we have a steadily rising rate of family breakdown , with large and growing numbers of children forced to live with a parent ’ s new – and often temporary – “ partner ”. Grieving for an absent parent – often expressed by anger , sullen behaviour , rudeness , etc , because children don ’ t necessarily grieve prettily in dainty sobs or beautifully -expressed speeches – is seen as a problem rather than a normal response to a tragic situation . Children
October 2018 Page 4


Joanna writes who suffer from family break-up are not given a fair voice . Instead , schools are urged to encourage the idea that “ family ” can and should mean all sorts of sexual relationships , with male-female marriage being just one option and perhaps only a temporary one .

Some literature now used in schools even seems to sneer at marriage , ignoring some fundamental truths that have emerged over recent decades . Cohabiting couples break up more quickly than married ones : most married parents will see their children safely into adulthood and go on to enjoy their grandchildren together with them too . Most cohabitating couples won ’ t . But current social policies are established to concur with the lie that cohabitation and marriage are of equal value .
Children desperately need stability . They also need truth . Giving them propaganda at school nourishes their sense of being misunderstood or despised . A boy has a right to be encouraged to feel comfortable and assertive about being a boy , and a girl about being a girl . Life should be presented as a joyful adventure filled with opportunities to do great and good things and to help others to do them too .
Children have a right to know that children are the fruit of love between a man and a woman , and that it is right and normal to grow up in a home with a mum and a dad . Officialdom – local education authorities , formal Commissions or other groups funded by taxpayers , bureaucrats with bossy ideas – have no right whatever to spend time and effort trying to make children feel uncomfortable about biological truths .
What can readers of The Portal do about all of this ? Before you say “ Not much ”, remember that even a little bit of truth and goodness can go a long way , so have a go . Promote good literature – Britain has
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